One of the most frequently asked questions by those who have become enlightened and are now stepping onto their path is “Now what? Where do I go from here? What is my purpose? How do I serve?”
The answer to these and similar questions is to find and embrace your own Divine puzzle piece!
The concept of our Ascension and Infinity are extremely challenging for us as humans to understand and yet so important for us to grasp so we can put it into practice!
However, we are part of God, and within us, we hold all the energy and potential to create a better society, and yet that potential is not being realized and true Spirituality is not encouraged!
Time is running out! This is the time for us to reset and realign ourselves in body, mind, and spirit!
Sometimes it is easier to understand the concept of us all being One than to understand that we are all part of this huge puzzle and that we need to understand our piece of the puzzle and how we fit into this in the best possible way!
With this in mind, Margi of Angel Connection presents this powerful workshop where you will be able to do just that!
This workshop requires you to be committed and serious about your Spirituality and your role as a Lightworker and Ascended Master-in-training.
There is also a life-changing visualization to uplift and motivate you.
Searching for your puzzle piece.
Living your Joy.
Being Human
Ancient Wisdom